Our Philosophy
Dr. Rhiannon Fenton, DVM, CAC, CVA, CVFT specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of the body, mind and spirit by using Eastern and Western Medicine. Blending both forms of medicine and acknowledging the body-mind-spirit connection of each patient allows for a greater approach and increased ability for recovery. This concept of medicine seeks to uncover the root of the problem rather than detrimentally masking it. By understanding that everything in the body is connected, Dr. Fenton is better able to unravel the "picture" of the patient and bring true healing into his or her space. She is not here to simply treat your animal; she strives to heal him or her on whatever level that may be. Dr. Fenton believes current standards of treatment are limited in that it usually implies the modern day use of pharmaceutical drugs, injections of steroids/antibiotics and surgeries. This is exactly how traditional medicine works; it waits for a disease pattern to appear (such as increased kidney values on blood work or the appearance of a tumor) then attempts to correct, remove, or suppress the symptoms of the disease usually without investigating or addressing the underlying imbalance, which led to the disease in the first place. Dr. Fenton strongly believes healing does not occur with this traditional paradigm—it’s just not that simple. Healing is a whole process!
The true healing process can manifest much more efficiently and well-rounded with a holistic diagnostic and treatment protocol. Holistic medicine is proven to be more effective for preventative health and wellness, treating an acute/chronic condition, improvement in quality of life or for providing a compassionate, kind transition toward the other side. Dr. Fenton has great passion for supporting the patient's needs from a balanced approach between Eastern and Western Medicine. Once you are ready to commit to this process, Dr. Fenton will bring forth a custom-tailored holistic treatment protocol for your beloved animal and go through the journey with you. Most importantly, remember that healing takes time and may also require that you "let go" if your pet needs to move on.
With the aforementioned factors in mind, your family may go through some potentially difficult decisions during your animal’s healing or transition to the other side. Dr. Fenton takes great pride in fostering a professional and at the same time very personal relationship with your family to help you through these times. Her style of practicing holistic medicine may not be for everyone, but every animal that comes to her receives help in one way or another. She became a veterinarian because she believed she could make a difference and she is making that difference every day.
The true healing process can manifest much more efficiently and well-rounded with a holistic diagnostic and treatment protocol. Holistic medicine is proven to be more effective for preventative health and wellness, treating an acute/chronic condition, improvement in quality of life or for providing a compassionate, kind transition toward the other side. Dr. Fenton has great passion for supporting the patient's needs from a balanced approach between Eastern and Western Medicine. Once you are ready to commit to this process, Dr. Fenton will bring forth a custom-tailored holistic treatment protocol for your beloved animal and go through the journey with you. Most importantly, remember that healing takes time and may also require that you "let go" if your pet needs to move on.
With the aforementioned factors in mind, your family may go through some potentially difficult decisions during your animal’s healing or transition to the other side. Dr. Fenton takes great pride in fostering a professional and at the same time very personal relationship with your family to help you through these times. Her style of practicing holistic medicine may not be for everyone, but every animal that comes to her receives help in one way or another. She became a veterinarian because she believed she could make a difference and she is making that difference every day.