Documented Medical Cases
Cranial Cruciate Ligament Injury, Arthritis & Adverse Reaction to Prilosec
Duration 3 minutes 51 seconds
Canine Immune Keratitis
Pictures taken one month apart
Owner wanted a holistic approach to managing the ocular disease (immune keratitis) for which an opthalmologist had diagnosed his dog. Dr. Fenton used muscle testing, nutrition, herbs and diet to produce the significant positive changes seen above in one months time. No drugs were used to create these effects.
Corrective Hoof Care in a Horse
Same hoof. Same day. Twenty minutes apart between before and after.
This patient's left front hoof was inverted at the wrong angle from lateral to medial, had excess toe, abnormal weight bearing and imbalance. ONE trim session provided significant improvement as seen above.
Equine Odontoclastic Resorptive Tooth and Hypercementosis (EORTH), Calculi, Tartar and Periodontal Disease
EORTH and dental disease in horses are very similar to dental disease in humans, cats and dogs; we just call it something different. Bacteria aggregate on the horse's teeth just like dogs and cats from not brushing or flossing daily. The bacteria form plaque which over time turns to tartar when left untreated. The gold standard for dental care is at-home treatment every single day. Having your own teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist once or twice a year while not brushing or flossing at home would have devastating consequences to your own dental health. This is what is happening to your horse-- and we only float their teeth, we don't brush them!! Whats worse is that most owners don't even LOOK in their horse's mouths.
Hay treated with pesticides, herbicides, dyes, preservatives and other unknown harmful chemicals come into contact with the teeth and gums with each and every bite of food all day every day. Commercial grain products such as Cavalor, Purina and the like are full of fillers, sugar, preservatives, synthetic ingredients and chemicals. This is inflammatory to the dental tissues (teeth, gums, ligaments etc) and makes the horse's mouth more susceptible to the bacteria-plaque-tartar-decay cycle. It can also lead to cancer over time. The number one cause of cancer, after all, is inflammation. Some of the most deadly, incurable, painful, malignant tumors of the horse occur in the mouth...
Equine Sarcoids (Fibrosarcoma Tumors)
Duration 10 minutes 20 seconds
Life-long Anxiety and Leptin Resistance Cured in a
15 Year Old Andalusian Mare -- An Embryo Transfer Horse
Duration 17 minutes and 27 seconds
A Tired and Slow Dog Not Wanting to Go On Walks
Like He Used To
Treated with Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
Duration 2 minutes 37 seconds
Full length video link no longer available
Full length video link no longer available
Holistically Managed Senior Pet Exuding True Wellness
Duration 1 minute 10 seconds
Severe Equine Dental Issues,
Weight Loss Due to Dental Issues & Suspected Equine Hyperthyroidism Successfully Treated.
Severe Equine Dental Issues Due to Breeding and Genetics
Severe Equine Dental Issues Due to Breeding and Genetics
Human Nutrition Case
Hormonal Imbalance, Type II Diabetes, Hypertension, Stress, Weight Management, Adrenal Fatigue,
Joint & Muscle Pain
One year and eight months of diet and nutritional therapy
Patient's diet was modified and patient was assessed once monthly for nutritional therapy to help with weight loss, joint and muscle pain, hypertension, stress, adrenal fatigue, type II diabetes, hormonal imbalance and overall quality of life. Weight loss, improvement of aforementioned health concerns and turn around of overall health status occurred due to diet and nutrition alone. There was no use of drugs and no exercise program was implemented during this specific time period.
Colic in a Domestic Rabbit
Treated & Cured with Holistic Veterinary Medicine
Duration 3 minutes 4 seconds