Massage Therapy
Massage therapy has many excellent benefits and plays a crucial role in performance sports therapy, rehabilitation from injuries and overall wellness. Whenever there is musculoskeletal damage, strain or stress within the body, the body makes compensations as a result. These compensations produce joint damage, asymmetry, improper movement/function, decreased blood flow and energy throughout the body which ultimately leads to pain. Massage relaxes tense muscles enabling them to function better and awakens the central nervous system (CNS). With massage therapy, the CNS is better able to communicate with the individual muscle fibers and allow the body to execute movements with precision and finesse. Muscular injuries can be healed or improved with massage by loosening muscle fiber adhesions, increasing the delivery of nutrients and removal of toxins from the tissue through the blood supply. By releasing these fibrous adhesions, the muscle is allowed to relax and elongate so that normal physiological function may resume. Movements become more fluid, balanced and symmetrical within the body. More importantly, injuries are less likely to occur or reoccur.